Project Description



The Brief

This house just cried out for a simple shaker kitchen. Two doors lead out of the kitchen either side of a deep brick fireplace. Could panelling connect these doors ? Big fridge and freezer required. Where does the tea and coffee go?

Water House - Weald Kitchen Makers
Water House - Weald Kitchen Makers

Design Concept

Everything based on near white painted shaker panels. This would show the exposed bricks off to their best and contrast with the large format pale blonde flagstones. We added a simple shelf over the fireplace. Tall storage cupboards took something away from the fridge and freezer that were to be honest a bit too big.

The Solution

Not for the first time white works/rocks. The wall panelling and the shelf pulled this wall together. The joy of shaker is its simplicity. It is an honest kitchen and we quite like that. Curved cornice and the simple curve on the side of the wall cabinet worked well.The floor is great for the same reason big and simple with narrow grout lines. This quite evidently a family living room as well as a kitchen. What a nice setting this would be for any family. Anyone for tea?

Water house shaker kitchen - Weald Kitchen Makers